Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0555

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Invoice Type.


Name:v2 Invoice Type
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0555 ( Invoice Type)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

  • This value set is the designated 'entire code system' value set for v2 Invoice Type

Invoice Type

BK Blockadded v2.6
FN FinalFinal Invoiceadded v2.6
FS Fee for Serviceadded v2.6
GP Groupadded v2.6
IN Information OnlyPayee information not required for this Invoice Typeadded v2.6
NP Non PatientInvoice without a patient; e.g. bulk invoicing for Pharmacy for a care facility.added v2.6
PA PartialPartial Invoiceadded v2.6
SL Salaryadded v2.6
SS By Sessionadded v2.6
SU SupplementalSupplemental Invoiceadded v2.6